PAC Manager - A/V Technician
(563) 332-7001, ext. 6050
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Rental Information
Performing Arts Center
The Bettendorf High School Performing Arts Center is a state-of-the-art theater designed to meet the needs of instrumental music, vocal music, theatre, and dance performances as well as meetings.
840 Seat Auditorium
Professional Theatrical Sound, Lighting & Video Equipment
13'h x 15'w Projection Screen
Orchestra Pit - Seating 50-60
Male & Female Dressing Rooms
Handicapped Accessible
Wheel Chair Seating
Hearing Augmentation Units (available)
Stage dimensions
Proscenium Opening- 50'w x 20'h
Stage Area- 50'w x 32'd
Stage Left Wing (minus line set locking rail) 21' x 32'
Stage Right Wing- 22'w x 32'd
Sound shell takes up approx. 8' x 12' in upstage
right corner of Stage Right wing.
BHS Commons
Seating Capacity of 150+
Two 12'w x 6.5'h Projection Screens
Two Ceiling Mounted LCD Projectors
Blu-Ray Players
Microphones, Podiums & Internet Capabilities